Saturday, September 16, 2006

Don't ask why - just be

Commentary: Waking Up

By Don Munro

MT. HOLLY, September 4 (UPI) — Sometimes there is great wisdom in not thinking about the "why" of our misfortune. When bad things happen, I think that it is wiser to just sit and be with our dark feelings. The stillness has much to teach us.
My career valleys offer plenty of opportunity for getting comfortable with feelings of insecurity and fear. For example, I hate it when I hit a dry spell of writing assignments, and I can get somewhat desperate.
To deal with this, I sometimes make good choices; I'll update the resumé or try to mine clients in a new industry. Other times, my judgment is off the mark. Once, I was so fearful about a rough patch that I took a night job cleaning toilets in one of the local schools. (I have nothing against this kind of work, it just left me with no time to write... and smelling like Pine Sol.)
But the trouble is not really that there is sometimes more doodles than actual appointments in my appointment book. The bigger problem is what I may do with the fear that arises in me when I hit a rough patch.
When I'm confronted with a slowdown, I struggle with a disturbing sense of restlessness, unease, insecurity. It can get worse. I've been known to feed the monsters with scary stories, escalating my suffering to unbridled worry.

Please visit the rest of this great article here... LINK

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