Saturday, October 07, 2006

Bodhidharma Day!

 Bodhidharma is considered the first Chinese Chan Patriarch.  Current Chinese linage is about the 58th.  Bodhidharma sat in a cave for 9 years until the Second Patriarch showed up.  Only after the Sixth Patriarch, Chan flourished in China.

Based on my Chinese calendar, November 25 is the birthday for Bodhidharma in this the 2550th year of Shakymuni. Today is also the day after the Mid Autumn Festival.  The moon is at its fullest and it is an excellent day for meditation.
More information is here.....



Anonymous said...

Just wondering, as I read "Patriarch", are there no women in that Great Lineage? ;-)

GeekZenDaddy said...

Welllllll, not on record unfortunetly. But I am sure there should be some listed as I have met several female monks, not nuns, full monks, in my time :-)